Hi , there folks . No i have a ApplicationMapping.Java File but for some
reason i must of modified it.
Thus i would like to take a look at someone's Action Class &

Cheers Chuck

> Chuck,
> Regarding classpath, I only put struts.jar in my classpath and everything's
> fine.
> Are you sure you have called your file the right thing? Appears to me, if I'm
> reading it right, you have named it ActionMapping.java, when it should be called
> ApplicationMapping.java!!
> Dave
> Chuck Amadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/10/2001
> 10:31:17 AM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:   "Craig R. McClanahan"
> cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
> Subject:  Any more suggestions (Action Classes) WON'T COMPILE.
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi all , well i have tried everthing in the book/doc's to no avail, I
> would like to know that say for instance if one declare a full classpath
> name i.e package classes/org/apache/struts/action; dir or does on just
> say declare package action; As i am still having problems with the
> Action Classes errors below.Also i have a modified Action class as per
> visual Pls check it out .
> note briefly i am unable to compile the .java classes.
> WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/struts/action/ActionMapping.java [85:1] Class
> ActionMapping not found in type declaration or import.
> public final class ApplicationMapping extends ActionMapping {
>                                               ^
> WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/struts/action/ActionMapping.java [85:1]
> Public class action.ApplicationMapping is defined in
> and must be defined in a file called "ApplicationMapping.java".
> public final class ApplicationMapping extends ActionMapping {
>                    ^
> 3 errors
> Errors compiling ActionMapping.
> --
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