Hi, all eventhugh Ant's is bundled with netbeans 3.2.2 i have just downloaded (binary) , installed and config  the set up environment - C:\jakarta-ant.Thus do i mount the C:\jakarta-ant-1.3 onto the netbeans filesystem or do i just add ant.jar and any jars/classes that i require to my webapp's WEB-INF/lib dir, also i am not sure wheather you just utilise the ant command from dos-prompt or as i hope via Scripts netbeans IDE.

It feels a bit ambiguous as it states that one should download any auxiliary jars required to build tasks i am interested in . Well i am interested  testlet.jar,rhino.jar and jpython.jar for now.
Thus can i install these libraries later once i have a feel and look of this applicaion build tool.
Thus finally can i from the netbeans IDE menu run ant . As once i have accomplished this i have got to do it all over again on Linux .

Cheers All. Chuck

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