The editRegistration has a form associated with it .Enter all the fields
and submit
So in case of  validation errors  your Action Form  is kept in the request
scope in the action class  and the Action form is removed from the session
scope . If no validation errors present then it will be in session  scope as
mentioned in the struts.config.xml file .

So whenever u click on the link called - "edit registration" then the link
page points to  "/"  which again checks for that
ActionForm . This is in session scope so in Jsp file all fields are
populated from this form


----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Faist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 1:25 PM
Subject: like editRegistration in struts-example

> Hi,
> I want to do the same like the struts-example do when you click on "Edit
> your user registration profile" Then the field Username, Fullname, From
> Adress already filled out. How does this work?
> I have a xxAction like the EditRegistrationAction. There the regform is
> filled with the user data.
> I do the same, but the perform method from this action will not called.
> so the data can't set to the fields.
> What is the error?
> Stefan.
> ----------------------------------------------
> hmi-Informatik GmbH
> Zettachring 6 - D-70567 Stuttgart

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