Caught by the second paragraph of link

"The JSPTL requires a servlet container that supports the proposed Java Servlet
2.3 and
JavaServer Pages 1.2 specification. The Jakarta Project Tomcat 4 servlet
supports the new proposed specification and can be used for testing the JSPTL"

Anyone know if this mean they won't work with tomcat 3.3?!!!


Shawn Bayern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/11/2001
12:00:15 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Standard JSP Tag Library (JSPTL):  Early Access

Taglibs and Struts users,

Hi there.  As some of you might have heard, the JSR-052 group, operating
under the Java Community Process, has been engaged in an effort to develop
a standard JSP Tag Library (JSPTL).  Our work has drawn from the
experience of groups like Struts and Jakarta-Taglibs, and continuing
feedback and opinions from these groups will be extremely valuable as we
progress toward a final standard.

The JSPTL specification is not yet finished, but the group has opted to
use an Early Access (EA) program to get our work out to the community as
quickly as possible.  We have a reference implementation (RI) that
implements the core functionality we've discussed so far:  iteration,
conditional logic, and a framework in support of "expression languages" to
help reduce (or eliminate!) the need for Java scripting logic inside JSP

The first Early Access release of JSPTL went public today on the
Jakarta-Taglibs site.  For more information, go to

from which you can browse the current JSPTL documentation and download the
source for the RI.  As part of the distribution, we provide an 'examples'
application that demonstrates how the current version of JSPTL tags can be

For comments on JSPTL-related issues, you can use the Jakarta-Taglibs
as appropriate.  If, for any reason, you wish to contact the JSR-052 group
privately, you can mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Again, all comments -- particularly from Taglibs and Struts users! -- will
be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks,

Shawn Bayern
(JSPTL reference-implementation lead)

[ PS - Apologies for the crosspost, but I think there are a lot of
  people who aren't part of the intersection of these two groups. ]

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