Hi Calvin your right , i mispelt jakarta,within the classpath. I would also like to know does it matter that i have copied from tomcat/lid dir to my webapp/WEB-INF/lib dir the servlet.jar as at first when i edit the tomcat.bat it stated it couldn't locate the servlet.jar.

I recall the struts-group stating it should stay at tomvat/lib.
Secondly when one constructs ant's builds do thet reside in the same dir as i have a dir named C:\development and within the ms-dos it works fine thus i have downloaded an example containing a .java file and a build.xml file thus do both these file reside in a separate dir i.e

VKCapture.java , sp.tif & build.xml to a new folder named C:\capture dir.
am i on the right lines of thinking.
Cheers All
Calvin Yu wrote:

This really shouldn't be the case.  You should be able to set both
TOMCAT_HOME and ANT_HOME.  What you should do is not set CLASSPATH at
all b/c ant.bat and tomcat.bat should handle the classpath for you.
Empty the CLASSPATH ('set CLASSPATH='), and send the error that you are
getting when you run the batch files.

Also, if you can edit the ant.bat and tomcat.bat and echo the command
that is being run, that would be helpful.


On 17 Jul 2001 11:30:31 +0100, Chuck Amadi wrote:
> Hi,all
> I have just installed and configured the ant's build and thus ran a
> examples and it running ok.Albeit on trying to run the tomcat
container i have
> recieved a bad command on startup.
> I have still got the set TOMCAT_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2 in my
> If this is the case i assume i can't set both Tomcat and Ant within
the same
> classpath.I if i require to run the tomact container i must reset the
> classpath and rem the set ANT_HOME=C:\ant
> Cheers Chuck Pls Confirm.
> Gregor Rayman wrote:
> > "Chris Callaghan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asks:
> >
> > > Hey all,
> > >
> > > I want to be able to map a URL to certain JSPs which may or may
not have
> > > an action involved with them e.g
> > > map /logon to logon.jsp which also has as action also called logon
> > > also /tour to tour.jsp which has no associated action.
> > >
> > > How can I do this with struts?
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > > Chris
> >
> > You can do it with your http server, not with struts.
> >
> > --
> > gR
> --
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