Hi -

In my JSP I'm generating (a small unknown number) of multiselect
SELECT drop-down lists with values taken from a Hashtable containing
ArrayLists, such that each drop-down corresponds to the strings in
an ArrayList in the Hashtable:

      <% int n = 0; %>
      <logic:iterate id="attTab" name="docDefAttList" property="attTable">
          prop = "attributeKeys[" + n + "]";
        <bean:define id="atts" name="attTab" property="value" />
        <html:select property="<%=prop %>" size="10" multiple="true" >
          <html:options collection="atts" property="docDefAttValKey" 

In the associated form bean, I assume I need to use an ArrayList (named attList
below) which will contain the String[] arrays of selected values passed back
from my SELECTs. So I have my indexed property String[] attributeKeys with
getter and setter thus:

    public String[] getAttList(int idx) {
        return (String[])attList.get(idx);

    public void setAttList(int idx, String[] keys) {
        attList.set(idx, keys);

But the problem is that this collapses in BeanUtils.populate with a
type mismatch error:

  javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate
        at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(RequestUtils.java:486)
  Root cause: 
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

I'm quite new to Struts, and can't understand what I'm doing wrong!
Is it actually possible to use multiple select options with indexed
properties? Any ideas? Thanks!


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