I have been trying to setup a multi-page form using Struts and Tomcat. I am
having some trouble though, and am in need of help.

I have set up a form bean that has all of the fields required across all
pages of the form. I have setup a single action that handles the input of
the form at each step. The problem that I am having is that the form bean
does not seem to get stored in the session across the pages of the form. I
have set the scope to session in my struts-config.xml file and in the
various jsp pages of the form, and am using the same name value  ("sufs") in
all places.

The form is being submitted properly to the Action, but then when the next
page is submitted I see a "Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute
'sufs'" in the servlet.log file. followed by a "Recycling existing
ActionForm instance of class...". When I log the form again in the Action
all of the previously created values are no longer there. Any suggestions on
what I am doing wrong?

Thanks for any help,

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