I've created a page using indexed tags (neat stuff!). 
Here is what is currently working for me: 
o If i populate the form's vector, values from that vector are displayed in
the jsp 
Here is what it not working: 
o when the form is posted back, the vector is null (in the struts perform()
I suspect i haven't implemented some sort of setter within the form but i
can't find an example as to what method should be implemented.  I've tried
ArrayList and using parameterList instead with no different result.
Here are some code snippits for help: 
<logic:iterate id="mappings" name="FieldsMapForm" property="fieldMappings">
<html:text name="mappings" property="attributeCode" indexed="true"/> <br>
public class FieldsMapForm extends ActionForm { 
private String fileColCount;
private java.util.Vector fieldMappings = new java.util.Vector();
private String action; 
public String getFileColCount() {
return fileColCount;
public void setFileColCount(String newFileColCount) {
fileColCount = newFileColCount;
public void setFieldMappings(java.util.Vector newFieldMappings) {
fieldMappings = newFieldMappings;
public java.util.Vector getFieldMappings() {
return fieldMappings;
public FieldMapping getParameter(int index) {
return (FieldMapping)fieldMappings.elementAt(index);
public void setAction(String newAction) {
action = newAction;
public String getAction() {
return action;
public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
fileColCount = null;
fieldMappings = new java.util.Vector();
action = null;
---The vector contains these:--- 
public class FieldMapping implements Serializable { 
private Integer fieldNumber;
private String attributeCode; 
public void setFieldNumber(Integer newFieldNumber) {
fieldNumber = newFieldNumber;
public Integer getFieldNumber() {
return fieldNumber;
public void setAttributeCode(String newAttributeCode) {
attributeCode = newAttributeCode;
public String getAttributeCode() {
return attributeCode;

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