
I have been doing a lot of research into Struts recently.   My question is
about performance and scalability.  First the definitions:

Performance = good response time to users

Scalability = good response time to a large number of simultaneous users.
Usually this is a logarithmic curve that reaches a point where the server
has       difficulty sustaining the load.

Struts will only be used for presentation logic.  My Action classes in this
framework will access separate business objects that will then access a BEA
application server to perform the necessary business logic (EJB's) and
return the results.  This will be a large production environment with a
large number of simultaneous users if we decide to implement this way.  The
Web servers will be load balanced.   Even so, I don't want to implement a
framework which requires me to throw a bunch of hardware at it after all is
said and done.

Does someone have some practical experience of the performance and
scalability of the Struts framework with an overhead of 100 simultaneous
users?  What about 1000?

Is there any kind of advice that anyone can offer me before I head down
this path in relation to scalability?


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