Hi.   If you want Struts to display values pre-selected, you should leave off
the value= on the select tag altogether.

I haven't tried it with multiple=true, but use                      <html:select
property="category">     to display the value I previously assigned in my form
under "category".  Would assume it would work with multiple=true too...



"Xavier Brunel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
07/25/2001 10:57:14 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   "'Struts-User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Problem initializing (pre-selected)  <html:select multiple="true">


I have a problem with multiple <html:select> struts tag initialization.
I am unable to initialize the select tag with the values i retrieve
from my database.

I have a JSP with
     - a <html:select> multiple who will retrieve the selected compagnies I
     - a <html:options> containing all the compagnies in my database

I have in the Form associated with this JSP :
     - an attribut rattacheInitialChoisi who retrieve a String[] of compagnies
already choosen
     - an attribut listeSociete who retrieve a ArrayList of all compagnies
     - an attribut rattacheSocieteChoisie who will retreive a String[] of the
new chosen compagnies

All these attributs are correctly initialized (I saw this in my logs files)

But I am unable to initialize the selected elements of my <html:select> list
in the jsp thanks to the "rattacheInitialChoisi" attribut (pre-selected the
select list when the jsp appears)!!!!

Has anyone experimented this and have an idea of how to do so ???
HELP !!!!

Here is my code

private ArrayList listeSociete = new ArrayList() ;
private String[] rattacheSocieteChoisie= new String[0];
private String[] rattacheInitialChoisi = new String[0] ;

public void setListeSociete(ArrayList _listeSociete)
          this.listeSociete = _listeSociete;
public ArrayList getListeSociete()
          return this.listeSociete;
public void setRattacheSocieteChoisie(String[] _rattacheSocieteChoisie)
          this.rattacheSocieteChoisie = _rattacheSocieteChoisie;
public String[] getRattacheSocieteChoisie()
          return this.RattacheSocieteChoisie;
public void setRattacheInitialChoisi(String[] _rattacheInitialChoisi)
          this.rattacheInitialChoisi = _rattacheInitialChoisi;
public String[] getRattacheInitialChoisi()
          return this.rattacheInitialChoisi;

<bean:define name="SiteDetailForm" property="listeSociete" id="lidy"/>
<bean:define name="SiteDetailForm" property="rattacheInitialChoisi"
id="initial" type="java.lang.String[]"/>
<html:select property="rattacheSocieteChoisie" value="initial"
multiple="true" size="2">
     <html:options property="idSociete" collection="lidy"


Xavier Brunel

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