If i remember correctly, I think that Tomcat 4 (beta) had some
about this bundled, that I found to be usefull.

Ref: http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/index.html



"Prior, Simon" wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am starting a new project and am going to use struts as the framework and
> ant as the build tool.  The project is going to be fairly large (having
> several subprojects) and as such I need to have a well structured
> development heirarchy for development of EJB's, JSP's etc.  I would like
> some advice on how best to partition the source files, project
> documentation, jar files, dtd's, tld's etc.  Currently I see the project
> being War'd up and deployed by ant automatically and wondered what the best
> way to write the build script was, maybe each subproject having its own
> build.xml and a recursive call to them?
> My question at a basic level is, when starting a new project, how do you
> structure your development directory heirarchy to aid clarity and ease of
> build (any automation ideas would be most appreciated).
> Thanks in advance,
> Simon.
> For optimum solutions that save you time, visit www.ds-s.com.

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