
hope someone can help me out here. I think I have a problem with struts and
my classes caching list.

In my jsp I have some data that is displayed regularly. Therefore I have put
that object into the context via:

context.setAttribute("CommonProblemList" ,tbeList );

When the data the list is based upon changes, I have a monitor class that
listens for that change and then repopulates a similar object and then puts
it into the context via the method/line above.

Then in my JSP I access the data via the below:

    <TD><bean:message key="prompt.select"/><TD>
      <logic:present name="CommonProblemList" scope="application">
        <html:select property="wrTitle">
          <bean:define id="list" name="CommonProblemList"
scope="application" property="list" />
          <html:options  collection="list" property="name"/>

My problem is that if I change the data in my database the data in my JSP
page is not updated. I have stepped through my code and my monitor class
does see the change in the database, it is compiling a new object and it is
placing it into the application context. I checked the object data being
placed and it does have the new data in it but if I got to the web page
which uses that object it only shows the old data. If I shut tomcat down and
restart it I do see the new data.

Can someone suggest what is going on here and how to fix it?

Thanks for the help.


Alex Colic.vcf

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