Further to this mail,I tried using the syntax as suggested ,but I get a page
not found error.

My web.xml entry is ...

 <!-- Report Servlet -->


My struts-config.xml has the following entry..

    <!--For saving group details-->
    <action    path="/groupsSave"
          <forward name="save" path="/jsp/dataArea.jsp"/>
          <forward name="redisplay"
          <forward name="search" path="/jsp/cascadeDisplay.jsp"/>

          <forward name="refreshScreen" path="/groupsDisplay.do"/>
          <forward name="displayReport" path="/displayReports"/>


    <!-- For display of reports -->

    <action path="/displayReports"
         forward ="/displayReport">

But Iam still getting 404 page not found error.What is wrong in my xml
entries ?


"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Bill Firestone wrote:
> > >From an Action class, or perhaps from a subsequent jsp page, I want
> > to include content from generated by another servlet -- a subservlet,
> > if you will -- but the key is that the subservlet is a general
> > resource in the server's servlet environment and should accessible
> > either from within Struts or from outside of Struts.
> >
> > The javadoc on http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/ has an
> > ActionServlet.processInclude method.  But this javadoc looks like it's
> > for Struts 1.1, not 1.0.
> >
> > Is there a way in Struts 1.0 to invoke (include) another servlet and
> > have it add content to the output?  If not, is it possible to
> > "include" another servlet and have it return its content in an
> > attribute so that the caller can include it in the output?
> Support for forward/include is also available in Struts 1.0, as follows:
> * You can use your subservlet as an Action itself, by
>   forwarding to it:
>     <action path="/mypath" forward="/mysubservlet" .../>
>   NOTE:  No "type" attribute would be used here.
> * You can use your subservlet as an Action itself, by
>   including it (you would do this if the subservlet
>   expects to be the target of a RequestDispatcher.include()):
>     <action path="/mypath" include="/mysubservlet" .../>
>   NOTE:  No "type" attribute would be used here.
> * You can forward from your Action to a presentation JSP page
>   in the usual way, and that JSP page can use <jsp:include>
>   to merge in content from the subservlet.
> * You can stitch together the output of multiple servlets by
>   using RequestDispatcher.include() multiple times in your
>   Action, although the previous method (using <jsp:include>)
>   would generally be preferred.
> See the documentation in struts-config_1_0.dtd for more info about the
> first two options.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Bill
> >
> >
> Craig

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