What type and version of browser are you using?  

I'm looking at it and the example webapp work under IE
6.0, but doesn't in Netscape 4.75.  Someone e-mailed
me the other day that in Netscape 4.0 (or close to
that version) that float and other primitives were key
words and you couldn't name objects/functions after
them (which I'm doing).  It looks that is the same
problem for Netscape 4.75.  If I delete these methods
or change "oShort = new short();" to "oShort = new
short_();" then everything start working again.  I
need to make it so you can specifiy an alternative
function/object name for a validator or automatically
put an underscore or something at the end of the name.
 I'll probably do the latter for now.


--- Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was updating an application to use the latest
> version of the Validator
> tags (0702), and the client-side alerts disappeared.
> The scripts are
> there, 
> and the names match up, but no alerts ;-( 
> Meanwhile, the server-side validations are working
> just fine ....
> Any insights?
> -Ted.

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