Title: jsp pages got memory limits?

Hi all.

I'm getting this Exception:


java.lang.VerifyError: (class: jsp/_0002fjsp_0002f_00031_00035_0005f_00035_0005fpilotTest_0005f_00030_00035_00036_00030_0002ejsp15_0005f5_0005fpilotTest_0005f0560_jsp_22, method: _jspService signature: (Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRespo


when building a form with aprox 30 radio buttons. It seems that over a 92Kb. of .class generated from out jsp page the system crashes. If I remove some data from the form, this doesn't happens.

Any idea about?
There are memory limits with struts or even jsp specification?

Raffaele Sgherri
? Sapient | Via Crocefisso, 19 - 20122 Milano (Italia).

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