The jsessionid path parameter will only be added if the servlet container
does not know whether your client supports cookies.  How Tomcat handles
this (probably typical of others):

* On the first response in a session, send the session id
  both ways (cookie and encoding).

* If the subsequent request comes back with a cookie, turn
  of URL rewriting for the remainder of this session.

* If the subsequent request comes back without a cookie,
  keep on rewriting.


On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My link is:
> <html:link page="/"><bean:message key
> ="index.createStakeholder"/></html:link>
> it works, but the URL shows:
> http://localhost:8080/dne-struts/
> no jsessionid  :(
> Any hints appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Brian
> Here's my action-mapping for that page:
>      <action   path="/createStakeholder"
>                type="com.transplace.struts.action.CreateStakeholderAction"
>                name="StakeholderForm"
>                scope="session"
>                validate="true">
>            input="/CreateStakeholder.jsp">
>           <forward name="success" path="/index"/>
>      </action>

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