Hi, I am trying to get that iterate tag to work.

I am interating through a vector a displaying the results. I have one field
that I want the user to update hence I have made it a text box. When the
page displays, the data is correct but when the user enters something into
the text box and hits submit, the form in the actionservlet has the old data
not what the user has entered.

My jsp is as follows:
<html:form  action="viRFQBid.do" >
<logic:iterate id="item" name="ItemBidForm" property="itemList">
  <TD CLASS="TD_Border">
    <bean:write name="item" property="number" />
  <TD CLASS="TD_Border">
    <html:textarea name="item" property="partDescription" />
  <TD CLASS="TD_Border">
    <html:text name="item" property="unitPrice" indexed="true" />

Anything the user enters in the unit price is ignored, the old value is
present in the form.

My Struts config is:

<form-beans type="org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean" >
    <form-bean      name="ItemBidForm"


    <action    path="/viRFQSummary"
    <forward   name="success"            path="/pwRFQBid.jsp"/>

    <!-- Process the rfqBid action -->
    <action    path="/viRFQBid"
    <forward   name="success"            path="/pwRFQBidResponse.jsp"/>

viRFQSummaryAction works, the form is populated and passed to pwRFQBid.jsp
but whatever the user enters as a unit cost is ignored. I take the form out
in viRFQBidAction and check it.

Any help in figuring this out is appreciated.


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