On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Beuck, Torsten wrote:

> Hi Bernhard, Michael,
> > 
> > >without having tested this, but have you ever tried to 
> > convert 'Ändern'
> > >instead of 'Ändern'?
> > 
> > Without testing it myself but looking at the sourcecode 
> > 'Ändern' should
> > remain unchanged.
> I've tested it and you are right: It remains unchanged. The filter method
> only replaces the characters '&', '<', '>' and '"'.
> > 
> > This probably could work as a temporary fix. On the long run we will
> > need a proper solution though.
> > 
> Currently i use 'Aendern' because with UTF-8 encoding the browser cannot
> display 'Ä'. But this could not be the final solution.
> Maybe i will find the time to write a corrected filter method. What i don't
> know is: Who is responsible for the ResponseUtils class? Is it Craig R.
> McClanahan? Should i post the method code to this mailing list or send it
> directly to him?

The way to get problems you encounter addressed is to post them to the bug
tracking system:


so that all of the Struts committers can be made aware of the issue.  The
bug tracking system also has a mechanism for accepting attachments, so
patches are *very* welcome.

> Best regards
> Torsten


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