
I'm trying to get the localized text based on 
the locale that I set on my pageContext.

The MessageResources object seems to be ignoring
the "locale" when I try to retrieve the string,
it uses the default locale instead of the new locale.

I first create a locale object to set 
the Action.LOCALE_KEY in the pageContext. 

I get my MessageResource object from the
which I use to get my localize text using the
   getMessage(locale, "text.option.xxxx"); 


Locale spanish = new Locale("es", "");

pageContext.setAttribute(Action.LOCALE_KEY, spanish,

MessageResources messages = null;

servletContext = getServletContext();
messages = (MessageResources)servletContext.

String value = messages.getMessage(spanish,

I do have the ApplicationResource_es.properties file.

- The API doco says that it will use the default
  locale to get the text. If that is the case what
  is the use of the locale parameter? 
- Am I using the wrong context?
- how do I make sure that I set and retrieve
  the right text from the right file?

thanks for your help,

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