To anyone interested,
It looks like I got rid of the errors when initializing Tomcat. I had to copy struts.jar, and all the commons-*.jar to Tomcat's lib directory.
Is this how it is supposed to be ? I like the idea of separating Struts' stuff from the container (in my case Tomcat).
If anyone knows why that happens, please let me know.
Eduardo Fujii
Monterey Institute of International Studies
400 Pacific Street Room D-203
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 647-6679
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 4:25 PM
Subject: Parsing error processing resource path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml

Hi guys,

Could someone help me on this ? I downloaded the nightly build (binary
distribution jakarta-struts_20010813.tar.gz), and all other requirements
(jaxp 1.1, xalan j.2.2_D6, and xerces that comes with it). Copied file
struts-blank.war to Tomcat's webapps directory and restarted Tomcat.

Tomcat spills error messages like these:

Begin event threw exception
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping
..... (trace)

cannot load servlet name: action: Parsing error processing resource path

I copied jaxp.jar, xerces.jar, xalan.jar, and crimson.jar to Tomcat's lib
directory. Could someone tell me what else is missing ?


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