Help me understand something. commons-beanutils.jar,
commons-collections.jar, commons-digester.jar, struts.jar are placed in my
.war files WEB-INF/lib directory. Everything is fine. I additionally copy
them into my JVM's classpath (in JBoss by copying them into the
jboss/lib/ext directory) and my Action and Form classes generate
java.lang.ClassNotFound exceptions. Having them in just jboss/lib/ext and
not the WEB-INF/lib also generates a java.lang.ClassNotFound
exception. Why? Why does Struts care about where the .jar files are in
the classpath?
My reason for wanting to do this was most of my .war files were going to be
built on top of Struts. There are also "base" utility classes that
inherited from org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm and
org.apache.struts.action.Action that most of my classes were going to
inherit from. They were going to go in a .jar file that were deployed to
/jboss/lib/ext. It didn't seem appropriate to have them all in each .war file.
Thank you.