Use many <forward>s in your <action> definition in struts-config, like

<action    path="/step3"
          <forward name="success" path="/step4" />
        <forward name="failure" path="/step3" />
        <forward name="skip" path="/step10" />
        <forward name="start" path="/step1" />

then, in step3Action ActionClass decide which forward to use, based on user


-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Kidd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 8:42 PM
Subject: Workflow question

I am currently working on a wizrad like workflow.  The user will go through
several "views" in order to collect all of the data required.  After the
data is required the Action class will do the usual interactions with the
business API's, etc.  Ideally I would like to use one Action class for each
page.  The barrier that I have come against is, how does the Action class
know what the next view is?  I suppose I could use the "referer" header or
similarly request.getRequestURI() and forword on based on the value, but
this seems less than ideal.  Does anyone else have any suggestions on other
approaches I might take. Any help will be much appreciated.

Glenn Kidd

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