
I am trying to render a message on my jsp that has a dynamic portion - a
contact number that is dependent on state of objects on the request.  The
bean:message tag with a replacement value seems perfect, but the problem is
that the replacement value is variable.  I have a property on my form bean
that contains the value I want, but how can I get it into the arg0
parameter of the bean:message tag without resorting to scriplets?  May not
be possible.

Example message in bunde:
myMessage=Call me for a good time at {0}

in jsp
<bean:message key=myMessage arg0="want value of string property on form
bean here"/>

I could just give up on bean:message and have the form bean's property
provide me the entire content of the message, substitution based on state
already done, but seems a shame not to be able to use the replacement
values feature.



Jim Weaver
Software Developer - ThoughtWorks

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