Hello all:

I just spent an hour chasing down a silly mistake, and was wondering if
there were a way to prevent it:

<logic:present name="something"/>
<p>Ok, it's here!</p>


<logic:present name="something"/>
<p>No, not here!</p>

Will display:

Ok, it's here!
No, not here!

Of course, the problem is that I fumbled the closing of logic:present (e.g.
I shouldn't have that trailing "/>", just a ">"), but this only dawned after
much head-scratching though, as I was using an extension of the "present"
tag and of course immediately assumed it was a bug in my extension of the
tag :-)

I'm wondering if the tag can catch the fact that it's "bodiless", and should
it be allowed to be bodiless?

Maybe this has been caught before, or maybe there's no way to go about it,
but I didn't see anything on a quick search of the archives...


Jcorporate Ltd.

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