When using Tomcat 3.2.1 (came with Borland JB) under the Sun 1.3.1 JDK
on RH Linux 7.0, I find that Struts cannot seem to find my action
classes. It fails when the action servlet tries to do a Class.forName()
prior to instantiating an action class instance.

Due to my laziness, these classes are not in a package but they are
found in WEB-INF/classes. Prior to upgrading to 1.3.1 of the JDK, this
was not a problem. If I switch back, the classes are found just fine
(however, I cannot debug in JB without hangs and crashes - which is why
I changed JDKs).

I have read in one place that Struts does NOT work well with Tomcat
3.2.1. Is this so? If so, which 3.x version is best?

Any pointers or tips are appreciated. If possible, please respond via
email in addition to the list.



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