I have only run the struts 1.0 example, and have not yet downloaded struts
1.1(I could not find it at the Struts site). I downloaded the JAXP reference
implementation and placed jaxp.jar, crimson.jar and xalan.jar in my
classpath.  After restarting Tomcat I got the same error message as before.



-----Original Message-----
]On Behalf Of Cedric Dumoulin
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: dynamic template tag parameter values

  The tiles tutorial have been moved into the tiles-doc.war file, under

  I think the error is issue because the servlet has failed to start. Are
sure you use a jaxp1.1 compliant parser ? Does Struts1.1 example runs with
configuration ?


David Boardman wrote:

> A couple of questions about Tiles,
> When I downloaded the binary distribution I did not see the
> tiles-tutorial.war file and was therefore missing some of the files
> necessary to go through your tutorial.  Am I missing something in the
> distribution, or was the tutorial removed.
> Secondly, when I attempt to run both the tiles-docs application and the
> tiles-channel application I got an exception with the following message:
> "Tag Insert : Can't get component definition 'mainLayout'. Check if this
> name exist in component definitions."
> I simply placed the war files in the webapps directory of my tomcat server
> to deploy them.
> thanks for the help.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> ]On Behalf Of Cedric Dumoulin
> Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 5:01 AM
> Subject: Re: dynamic template tag parameter values
>   You can do something like :
>     <template:put name="sidebar" content='<%= "/jsps/sidemenu"+
> ".jsp"%>'/>
>   But you certainly have to put some processing before to check if the
> clientName is valid.
>   Also, you can check Tiles contribution for others ideas. For example,
> can
> adapt the channels example to fit your client names.
>     Cedric
> Tiles sites :
>   http://www.lifl.fr/~dumoulin/tiles/
>   (mirror) : http://www.geocities.com/cedricdumoulin/tiles/
> David Boardman wrote:
> > Our site will be accessed by users via other sites on the web.  For
> > instance, our site might be accessed from a link on Cisco's site.  When
> this
> > occurs we want the GUI to be different than the default GUI (same
> > layout, but different graphics etc.)  To do this I was hoping to include
> > client parameter in the query string
> > (http://oursite.com/login.jsp?client=Xxx) and then use that to
> > set the value of the content parameter within a <template:put> tag to
> > the appropriate jsp.
> >
> > I believe I can retrieve the query string parameter using
> > id="clientName" name="client">.  However, I am not sure how to
> > include this value in the content parameter of the <template:put> tag.
> >
> > For example, my default template currently looks like this:
> >
> > ******************************************
> > <%@ page language="java" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/taglibs/struts-template.tld" prefix="template" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/taglibs/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
> >
> > <template:insert template="/jsps/template.jsp">
> >     <template:put name="title"><bean:message
> > key="candidate.detail.title"/></template:put>
> >     <template:put name="top" content="/jsps/top.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="sidebar" content="/jsps/sidemenu.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="body" content="/jsps/loginBody.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="footer" content="/jsps/footer.jsp"/>
> > </template:insert>
> > ******************************************
> >
> > for Cisco I would like it to look like:
> > ******************************************
> > <%@ page language="java" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/taglibs/struts-template.tld" prefix="template" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/taglibs/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
> >
> > <template:insert template="/jsps/template.jsp">
> >     <template:put name="title"><bean:message
> > key="candidate.detail.title"/></template:put>
> >     <template:put name="top" content="/jsps/topCisco.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="sidebar" content="/jsps/sidemenuCisco.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="body" content="/jsps/loginBody.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="footer" content="/jsps/footerCisco.jsp"/>
> > </template:insert>
> > ******************************************
> >
> > and for client=Xxx I would like it to look like:
> > ******************************************
> > <%@ page language="java" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/taglibs/struts-template.tld" prefix="template" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/taglibs/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
> >
> > <template:insert template="/jsps/template.jsp">
> >     <template:put name="title"><bean:message
> > key="candidate.detail.title"/></template:put>
> >     <template:put name="top" content="/jsps/topXxx.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="sidebar" content="/jsps/sidemenuXxx.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="body" content="/jsps/loginBody.jsp"/>
> >     <template:put name="footer" content="/jsps/footerXxx.jsp"/>
> > </template:insert>
> > ******************************************
> >
> > Any help would be greatly apprecitated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > David Boardman
> > Integral7

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