um, this is the best solution yet....

and right after I just wrote my own tag.

good golly I like that tag...that's what I get for using tags outside of 


I give thanks to the struts gods!


-----Original Message-----
From:   Ted Husted [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, September 05, 2001 11:29 AM
Subject:        Re: Automatic forward URL encoding WAS: Session STOMP

The html:link tags provide automatic encoding, and other useful features

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

Clay Graham wrote:
> ok,
> so it WAS the encodeURL issue...the session was evaporating because the 
> was not encoded.
> but this begs another question, why dont URLs get autmatically encoded
> during an action..
> for instance I have a "goto" action, and I want to just have the url get
> encoded automatically on any url I pass to it without having to put the
> response encode in the JSP page.
>         <action path="/goto"
>                 type="com.noi.webapp.contextuon.action.GotoAction"
>                 name="goto">
>                 <forward name="login" path="/login.jsp"/>
>                 <forward name="home" path="/home.jsp"/>
>                 <forward name="contextmgr" path="/contextmgr.jsp"/>
>                 <forward name="createcontext" path="/createcontext.jsp"/>
>         </action>
> <a href="">goto context manager</a>
> what would I have to add to my action class to accomplish this?
> public class GotoAction extends Action {
>    public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
>                                  ActionForm form,
>                                  HttpServletRequest request,
>                                  HttpServletResponse response)
>         throws IOException, ServletException {
>         // Extract attributes we will need
>         String ls_forward = request.getParameter("forward");
>         Locale locale = getLocale(request);
>         MessageResources messages = getResources();
>         HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
>         if (session != null)
>         {
>             UserMgr user = (UserMgr)session.getAttribute("UsrMgr");
>         }
>         else
>             System.out.println("session not found");
>         // Forward control to the specified success URI
>         return (mapping.findForward(ls_forward));
>     }
> }
> I guess I could write a custom tag but that seems like overkill....
> Clay
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Sven Lauritzen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Wednesday, September 05, 2001 7:28 AM
> Subject:        Re: Session STOMP
> Hello!
> Do you have cookies enabled?
> If not, the session might get lost because you don't append the session 
> to the URL in your forward-statement.
> I think it should look like this:
> <jsp:forward page='<%= response.encodeURL("logon.jsp") %>' />
> Tell me if it works. I'm working on a similar problem.
> Sven
> spot-media
> Sven Lauritzen
> Software-Entwicklung
> Lange Reihe 2
> 20099 Hamburg
> Fon +49-40-248 28 713
> Fax +49-40-248 28 888
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Clay Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 5:25 PM
> Subject: Session STOMP
> > User Crew,
> >
> > My sessions are being stomped (or actually being overriden by new ones)
> > every time I make a new request. They are fine from the form to the
> action
> > part, but the second I do a new request the session evaporates. I need 
> > be able to keep the session around because I have a userMgr object that 
> > store in the session that I need as long as the user is logged in (old
> > hat).
> >
> >                             the_session.setAttribute("UserMgr",
> > l_new_user);
> >                             the_session.setMaxInactiveInterval(300);
> >
> > so when it gets to the home page for logged in users it gets the user
> > manager fine:
> >
> > Welcome to Contextuon Clay!
> > session id:8k2hwyjun1
> > session attributes:
> > org.apache.struts.action.TOKEN
> > org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE
> > UserMgr
> > loginForm
> > and the URL that made that fine message relates to the action handler 
> > login
> > http://localhost/contextuon/;jsessionid=8k2hwyjun1
> > great....goodness...I saved the user manager to session, now the 
> > starts....the user is logged in so they can goto all "user pages", 
> > pages will actually forward back to the login page if the user is not
> > logged in.
> > <jsp:useBean id="UserMgr" scope="session"
> > class="" />
> > <% if (UserMgr.isActive() == false){%>
> > <jsp:forward page='logon.jsp' />
> > <%}%>
> > THE PROBLEM: from this point forward any request will stomp the session
> and
> > create a new one. The UserMgr is gone on any "user page" because there 
> > an entirely new session. I use a goto action to make sure I am not
> leaving
> > the struts framework and pass a forward directive to the action
> > handler...(paranoia)
> > http://localhost/contextuon/
> > I tried using the "false" directive in this action
> > HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
> > but that didn't do a thing.
> > any ideas why my session.....EVAPORATES?
> > any ideas are appreciated.
> >
> > Clay
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ok, so just to make it clear...I NEVER do this (Except in my logout
> action
> > which has not happened), so it ain't me.
> >
> > session.removeAttribute("UsrMgr");
> > session.invalidate();
> >
> >
> >
> > So I don't know why this is happening, or even if its because of 
> it
> > may actually be Tomcat that is generating new sessions but I found out
> > about it while writing my my LoginAction class so there ya have it...
> >
> >
> >

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