Hello all,

I have a non-struts JSP that uses javascript to submit a form from a link in the form:

 <a href='javascript:submitForm("IE","outerBorderColor")'>Outer Border</a>

This works exactly as I expect.

I have been unable to get this to work in struts:

 <html:link href='javascript:submitForm("IE","outerBorderColor")'>
  <bean:message key="input.outerBorderColor"/>

The error is:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: javascript:submitForm("IE","outerBorderColor")

I have fooled around with the quotes in various ways
<html:link href="javascript:submitForm('IE','outerBorderColor')">
Same result.

I have read many,many e-mails in the newsgroups pertaining to javascript and struts and html:link:
I found and tried 1 suggestion that didn't work:
 <html:link href="" >

Will someone please tell me how to accomplish this in struts?

Thank you
Robert Egan

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