
Thanks Ted for the advice on using the link tag, your advice has been heeded to.

Problem for today:

<logic:iterate id="pages" name="pageList" offset="0" length="5">    
     <html:link forward="search" paramName="CONFUSED" paramId="pageNumber">
          page #: <%= pages %> 


What I would want to happen is for each of the numbers displayed to a link to a particular page number, so that when any of the numbers is clicked I can track page the user has requested and carry out the relevant operations in my perform method.  At the moment I am not to sure if I have use the correct attributes for the link take to achieve this. 

PageList is an array list of integer objects and I do have a search action.

Ideally this is what I would want for the link for each of the page numbers to look like:

http://localhost:8080/test/search.do?pageNumber=<selected page number>

Any help will be much appreciated.



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