I appreciate everyone helping me out. 

I was told that you can't use a bean expression to set the text of a submit button. 
What about a
radio button. Below I am trying to iterate through an object and create a table with a 
button, and the number and name of this object. I want the radio button to hold the 
number of the
object. Hence I am trying to set the value of the radio button to the entityNumber 
property. But I
am having problems with the ". I have tried escaping the quotes in the value parameter 
of the
radio button but I have not been successful. Is what I am trying to do possible?

Thanks for everyone's help.


<logic:iterate id="entity" name="entitySearchList" scope="request" >
  <html:radio name="entity" property="entityNumber" value="<bean:write name="entity"
property="entityNumber"/>"   />
    <bean:write name="entity" property="entityNumber" />
    <bean:write name="entity" property="entityName" />


Alex Colic, HBA, B. Ed
PopWare Inc. "Driving down the cost of conversions!"
Tel: 1-905-777-8171 ext. 104
Fax: 1-905-777-0132

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