
I had the same problem with VAJ 3.5.3, but I presume this will work with 4.0.  You 
need to make sure you are changing the code in the correct place.   There are two 
FormTag classes - one in the base taglib package and one in the taglib.html package.  
order to get the application to work with VAJ, you need to change it in the html 

Eric Stievater
Distributed Application Development

                    "Julia Yang"                                                       
                    <jyang@gravito       To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      
                    n.com>               cc:                                           
                                         Subject:     Help  Error run Struts in VAJ 4 
"cant remove Attributes from request scope"      
                    09/07/01 02:36        remain                                       
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to struts-user                                                     

Hi, Geoff and Mark and all

Thank you for answer my question on how to use struts in VAJ
I got it run but with a error
Server caught unhandled exception from servlet [jsp]: cant remove
Attributes from request scope
I followed the e-mail Geoff sent out on 8/21/2001 with

Replace the following lines in the doEndTag() method in the FormTag


with the following:


The problem remains, is there anything else I need do ?


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