Hi folks,

As promised earlier on the boards, enclose are the directions I've come up
with for installing and configuring struts to run in VAJ/WTE 4.0 and WAS 4.0.

     - I had 2 other people that I work with use these instructions, and
both where able to get up and running in under an hour.

     - This work is definitely not all of my own.  I am indebted to the
gracious of folks on this board who freely shared their experiences.  THANKS
     - There may be instructions here where folks disagree with my methods.
Fair enough... but if you follow these instruction you will get struts to
work.  I would be more than happy to make corrections/addtions for anything
that others find work better/more correctly.  In fact, I'd love it if someone
would shine more light on anything I did "incorrectly" here, as then I could
learn the "right" way to do (if there is such a thing...).
      - ****This is my second attempt to post this, the mailer won't allow
me to post my .war file (listed in the instructions), as it says it's too
big.  I'll be happy to send it directly to whoever would like it, or if
someone wants to give it a home, I'll gladly send it to them.

     If someone wants to post this on their site for others to see, please
do so, but please add this note and leave the instructions as is.

Here to help,
Stephen :-{)

Stephen Brand

Installing Struts.zip

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