We test them using our own test framework sitting on top of HTTPUnit. It
uses an XML file as input (e.g with urls and expected text/errors etc),
rather than writing code.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
Work:      http://www.multitask.com.au
JavaNews: http://www.multitask.com.au/JavaNews
----- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 11/09/2001 05:56
PM -----
Unit Testing Actions

What's the best way to unit test Struts Actions?  Create mock objects
(request, session, servlet, etc.)?  J2EEUnit, Catctus, HTTP Unit?  Which
approach are people having the most success with?

Also, Craig M. mentioned a while back about a unit testing framework for
Struts itself.  How is that coming along?  Just curious.


Steve Molitor

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