I am having a problem with the FileUpload provided with Struts.  You can 
set a maximum size for the file being uploaded.  The problem occurs when 
the FileUpload process reaches the maximum file size.  A ServletException 
is thrown stating that the max size limit has been reached (and the upload 
stops); however, I can't seem to catch it in any code or even use the 
errorpage functionality within JSP.  When I use the errorpage, I can see 
that my error page is being called and processed, but I get the following 
error message (from the SilverStream console - both business object and 
client logging set):

AgoServletOutputStream.flush m_committed=true m_noflush=false
AgoServletOutputStream.flush m_committed=true m_noflush=false
AgoServletOutputStream.flush m_committed=true m_noflush=false
AgoHttpReplyEvent.completeContent() m_redirected=false
   [CLI0-4ec31c19a91c4ad79c2bb3f74d6c05d3] Reply was already emitted:
<c0;client0>: idle.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad request, no URL !
         at com.sssw.shr.mime.MimeParser.parse(MimeParser.java:104)
         at com.sssw.srv.http.Client.getNextRequest(Client.java:334)
         at com.sssw.srv.http.Client.loop(Client.java:1194)
         at com.sssw.srv.http.Client.runConnection(Client.java:1421)
         at com.sssw.srv.http.Client.run(Client.java:1381)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
   [CLI0-4ec31c19a91c4ad79c2bb3f74d6c05d3] Replying:
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 13:00:47 GMT
Content-Length: 121
Content-Type: text/html
Server: SilverStream Server/10.0

In the browser, I get a DNS not found error.  I think this is from the HTTP 
reply already being emitted and then trying to forward to the error 
page.  I have changed my Struts configuration to redirect instead of 
forwarding but to no avail.  From my Action, I tried throwing a new 
ServletException to see if the error page is display - it is.  That means 
there is something going on in the FileUpload process.  Any ideas??

Ricky Frank

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