I currently run a copy of both websphere 3.5.4 and tomcat 3.2.3.  While I develop most 
of my applications on tomcat and implement them on websphere I've run acrost an issue 
that either relates to tomcat or WAS.  

In my struts-config.xml file I specify: 
    <forward name="success"              path="/admin.do" redirect="true" />

Now in tomcat when I run this command it redirects to url : 

Now in WAS when I run this command it redirects me to url : 

if I specify path="admin" instead of path="/admin" in WAS it works correctly by 
redirecting me to http://localhost/application/admin.do 

I was wondering if anyone has run into this problem and if they know what server this 
bug relates to.

Dan Jimenez

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