Better store your collection in your form bean, instead of using
application.getAttribute("allCoins") ...

Then you can get rid of the <% ... %> in your jsp.

Then, use something like:

<logic:iterate name="nameOfYourFormBean" property="allTheCoins"
 type="com.yourcompany.Coin" id="coins">
        <bean:write name="coins" property="coinName"/>

Best regards,

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Anish Acharya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. September 2001 16:27
> An: Struts Help (E-mail)
> Betreff: iterating over a collection
> Hello everyone.  Just wondering if anyone can spot the error in this code:
> <% Vector allTheCoins = (Vector)(application.getAttribute("allCoins"));
> %>
> <logic:iterate collection="allTheCoins" id="coinName">
>         <TR>
>                 <TD>    <bean:write name="coinName"/> </TD>
>         </TR>
> </logic:iterate>
> I have traced it to the logic tag -- the vector does initialize properly.
> All of the elements
> of the vector are strings.  Struts gives me an error claming it "can not
> convert Java.lang.String
> into Java.lang.object".
> I've pulled out all my hair trying to figure this one out -- any
> help would
> be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Anish

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