I believe that the HTML specification says that for an input of type image
the value is not submitted to the server, instead the x- and y-coordinate of
the click is submitted. The name of these parameters is name.x and name.y,
where name is the name attribute of the element.

I don't think the tag-lib of struts is meant to do any trick to also send
the value parameter

Jan Sorensen

I believe that for the generated code the value is not submitted in the
>In a jsp Form this code works works perfect:
><html:submit property="editPos" > Position<%= val %> </html:submit>
>Now I decided to use an image instead of a button like this:
><html:image property="editPos" src="graphics/editWarenkorb.gif"
>value="Position<%= val %>" />
>The generated Code looks fine to me:
><input type="image" name="editPos"
" >value="Position0">
>But the value 'Position0' is never filled up in the Formbean as the
setter->method never is called. And I know, that the Formbean and all works
correct >as it works fine withe the submit-Button. Is my html:image Tag not
>Thanks for any help or idea
>Beat Friedli

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