        I have a question about downloading files using Struts action class.
The <a href> link for the Download is:


        in which downloadContent.do is mapped to an action class.  It works
fine functionally.

        However, when the "File Download" dialogue box is prompted, and the
user selects "Save this file to disk", the default name given in the "File
name" box in the next dialogue screen is "downloadContent.do" instead of the
file name.

        I tried to add /<%=filename%> after the "downloadContent.do" and was
hoping the <%=filename%> would show up as the default file name.  This did
not work since server does not know how to interpret

        One interesting observation is if directly uses a jsp page to handle
the action, such as:


        the <%=filename%> does show up as the default file name in the "save
as" screen.  However, in my case I have to use an action class not a jsp
because jsp does not work functionally although it could recognize the file
name on the other hand.

        Any hints would be appreciated!



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