     I doubt that  the <html:errors> would interefere with style sheets 
as they are rendered on the client side.  I would check these things:

1) When you select "view source" in your browser, are the error header 
and footer in your page the way you have them in the properties file?  
2) if, instead of a linked style sheet, you put the style definition 
directly in the JSP, do you have the same result?


Thinh Doan wrote:

>The following setting for error display did not seem to affect eventhough
>the jsp that contains <html:errors/> does link in the style sheet.  ANy idea
>why this is so?
>Thank you for your response.
>errors.header=<hr><span class="error">Errors:<ul>
>in jsp:
><link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/test.css" type="text/css">
><body bgcolor="white">

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