Title: checkbox: isChecked

I'd like to take the information if the checkbox shoud be checked not from the formbean, but from a different bean.

See the example:

<%// the bean where the check-information comes from  %>
<jsp:useBean id="warenkorb" class="ufa.database.shop.Warenkorb" scope="session" />

<%// I can get the information like this  %>
<bean:write name="warenkorb" property="bestellung.editPosition.artikel.shoudFeedBeChecked" />

<html:form action="warenkorbBearbeiten.do">
  <% // how can i check the box acording to the information in bestellung.editPosition.artikel.shoudFeedBeChecked %>
  <html:checkbox property="feed" />


I've looked through the archive, but found nothing. Any ideas

Beat Friedli


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