Looks like you got a flush problem. You can try to use flush="true" in
<template:get ...>. This is a known problem with some web container.


Bryan Mallinson wrote:

> I am using template tags.
> I place content in another JSP file and insert it in a template file.
> When the output is written to the screen the content in the JSP file is
> written above the template content.
> So everything is being written to the screen,
> but not in the correct spot.
> I used my code with bea weblogic application server and it worked fine.
> But upon using my code with
> IBM Visual Age for Java 4.0 integrated
> Websphere 3.5.3 test environment and Struts 1.0 i get the above
> mentioned error.
> As well,
> The same error occurs with Apache Tomcat Test Environment integrated
> with
> Visual Age for Java.
> Does anybody know if this is an error related to Visual Age?
> Can anybody give me some information.
> Bryan Mallinson
> Software Developer
> Toronto Global Development Centre
> Infosys Technologies Ltd.
> Tel:  (416) 224-7469
> Fax: (416) 224-7449

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