I found my error.
In the perform method of the WelcomeAction class, I instanciated a
WelcomeForm like this :

      form = new WelcomeForm();
      ( ( WelcomeForm ) form ).setLogon( userApp.getLogon() );

I don't know why, but the framework don't like it. I suppress the line
"form = new WelcomeForm();" and all is ok.

-----Message d'origine-----
Date: mardi 25 septembre 2001 17:40
Objet: Lost of ActionForm

Here is the cinematic of my application

/----------------\          /-------------\          /--------------\
| /connection.do |--------->| /welcome.do |--------->| /welcome.jsp |
\----------------/          \-------------/          \--------------/
                  (success)                (success)

The ConnexionAction check the user's logon, instanciate a class UserApp
associated to the HttpSession.
The WelcomeAction populate a WelcomeBean with user's datas (UserApp from the
The Welcome.jsp file should present those datas.

Here is my struts-config.xml file :
   <!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions ===================================
         name = "welcomeForm"
         type = "com.pfol.actionsStruts.Welcome.WelcomeForm"

   <!-- ========== Action Mapping Definitions ==============================
        path = "/connection"
        type = "com.pfol.actionsStruts.connection.ConnectionAction">
        <forward name = "success" path = "/Welcome.do"/>

        path     = "/welcome"
        type     = "com.pfol.actionsStruts.WelcomeAction"
          name     = "welcomeForm"
          scope    = "request"
          validate = "true">
        <forward name  = "success" path  = "/jsp/Welcome/Welcome.jsp"/>

I instanciate the WelcomeForm in the WelcomeAction. At the end of the
execution, all data are OK. But nothing is display by the Welcome.jsp. Why ?

Do yo have an idea about it ?

Thanks by advance.

Bruno Morin

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