I have no problem using Datasource in STRUT version
1.0, but when I upgrade STRUTS to nightly version, I
have a problem using datasource. Here how it happens

I first replace the XML parser and JAXP so that it can
support Namespace. Then I follow the instruction in
the "Nighlt Release" and I restart the Tomcat server.

TOMCAT complain that It cannot locate the
GenericDataSource. Something like this:
New org.apache.struts.util.GenericDataSource
EM> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

I then followed some threads in the user-groups, they
said that I need to add jdbc2_0-stdext.jar to the
CLASSPATH or to the
WEB_INF/lib directory inside of your application. I
tried both ways. I still cannot sovled the problem . I
did open the the 'struts.jar' in the WEB-INF/lib to
make sure the GenericDataSource class is there.
Everything seems to be in the right place. but I
cannot get rid of the error. Please help me.


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