Thinh Doan wrote:

> I'd like to replace the following with an image instead of a button:
>       <html:submit property="submit" value="Login"
> styleClass="verdanaCAPCopy"/>

I just learned this the other day myself.  For some reason, an <input 
type="image" ...> will submit the form when clicked.  So just use the Struts tag 
<html:image page="relativePathToImageFile" ...> in your JSP.

Also noted that someone posted yesterday the following that might be an alternative:

> You can use <a href="javascript:forms[0].submit();"> to make
> link, which submits. (I am not sure, whether the syntax above is ok)

Eric Rizzo, Software Engineer
OpenNetwork Technologies
I embrace my personality flaws, for without them
I might have no personality at all.

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