>>>>> "martin" == martin cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> It almost seems like "forwards" bypass actions.  When I did my "forward"
    martin> back
    >> to the list page, it wouldn't execute the "ListClassesAction.perform()"
    martin> method,
    >> which normally populates the list with new data.

    martin> Forwards go where you tell them to, and don't make any hidden detours.
    martin> Unless I'm mistaken, your forwards reference the JSP directly, which is why
    martin> they go to the JSP and not to the action. If you need them to go to the
    martin> action first, then you'll need to define them to do that (e.g. by 
    martin> "foo.do" instead of "foo.jsp" for the path).

    martin> Hope this helps.

Sigh.  I was fairly certain I had already tried this, but after I commented out
my manual setting of the "listClasses" bean (in SaveClassAction) and changed
the "forward" element in "struts-config.xml" to point to "listClasses.do"
instead of "listClasses.jsp", it worked fine.

David M. Karr          ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

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