Hi Jonathan,
you don't have the problem with "RequestDispatching to JSPs underneath
WEB-INF"  in weblogic 5.1 with sp 10 any more.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan M Crater [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Montag, 24. September 2001 17:49
Subject: security question

i'm using weblogic 5.1, which does not allow RequestDispatching to JSPs
underneath WEB-INF.  so i'm stuck keeping my JSPs outside WEB-INF.  as a
i have to secure requests to both JSPs and actions.  securing the actions is
just a matter of sub-classing ActionServlet and providing logic to check for
certain secured paths.  the problem is i don't want to repeat the logic in
the JSPs--either through a tag library or otherwise.  does anyone have any
suggestions as to how best to prevent a situation where a user requests a
JSP page directly when it should have gone through the sub-classed
ActionServlet?  i was thinking of just setting a request parameter for each
request as it passes through the ActionServlet.  that way, in the JSP i can
just test for that value to determine whether the request went through the
proper channel.  if not, i can redirect to an error page.

thoughts?  suggestions?

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