
i went through the integration last week. I'm using 3.2.2 version of tomcat, 
apache v 1.3.19 and struts v 1.0

I, like yourself, had the Apache/tomcat intergation working fine. The 
instruction for then integrating Struts was wrong in one part - i presume you 
found the the instructions on how to integrate Struts when Apache/Tomcat are 
already intergated? There is one part which says to add a line for the '.do' 
into tomcat-apache.conf. This is wrong - at least for tomcat 3.2 onwards .

Modify mod_jk.conf-auto (i.e. start tomcat, which will re-gen the auto files, 
) before starting Apache.  Find the line 

JkMount *.jsp ajp12

Copy this and change it to 

JkMount *.do ajp12

(although in version 3.3 you may have the lines referring to ajp13, i dont 
know) - this file is the one read in by Apache - the instructions for 
Struts/Tomcat/Apache intergation references tomcat 3.2.1 after which i 
suspect the Apache / Tomcat integration instructions changed the file to put 
in apache's httpd.conf. 

Hope that helps

On Monday 01 Oct 2001 3:27 pm, you wrote:
> Hi All,
>    I got tomcat and apache integrated and working together, however I do
> not seem to have the struts part configured correctly. I followed the
> installation directions to the letter on the web site.  I am using the
> struts example as my test. If I use tomcat directly(port 8080) every thing
> works great!  However when I use apache , and here is the weird thing, the
> only page that seems to be able to handle the .do extension is the logon
> page. In other words every thing else that has a .do associated to it will
> not work. Apache for some reason is trying to handle those pages. Soooo is
> there any one out there using apache, tomcat and struts on netware, also
> could some one who has integrated the three successfully send me some
> instructions on how they did it? By the way I am using the latest version
> of Apache and Tomcat 3.3. Any help you guys could give would be great!

Martin Samm MSc

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