
because it is not possible, to use a jsp-tag in a jsp-tag, but it would be nice to 
reuse (struts-)jsp-tags in "templates" without to rewrite it, 
I want to implement a method, which should simple replace a special tag in a template 
before it is included!
my problem is, that i don't know where I can do this in the code. how can I for 
example access the content of the included jsp-file before it will
be compiled?

for example:

<html:text value="<template:getparam name="textvalue">" />

<html:showtext textvalue="Hello!!!"/>

The jsp-tag "showtext" simple stores the textvalue-parameter in a bean and includes 
the template.jsp, but before the jsp-compiler
compiles the code, all "template:getparam"-tags should be replaced with the text 
stored in in the bean.


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Versendet durch Jet2Web Internet - Webmail (webmail.jet2web.net)

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