Here's a posting from the Struts JGuru forum

that I thought might make for an interesting discussion. 

David Hardy writes:

> We have a form with 50 sets of 4 fields, representing 
> an address object. The form-bean will be used to handle 
> the fields contained in this form. 

> Issue #1: Is there anything specified in the contract or
> reasoning saying that the fields in the form-bean need to 
> be of a certain type, specifically String. The desire is 
> to populate a hashtable of objects representing the 4 
> fields making up the address, therein not having String 
> objects for each field, but having the set's and get's 
> access the hashtable for them. Along with this alternate 
> storage could be utilities for accessing the hashtable, 
> which would be adding extra functionality to the bean. Is 
> this considered putting too much logic in the bean? I am 
> curious whether it is "acceptable" or "good practice" to
> change the bean to do more than just its conventional 
> setting and getting to basic String objects, in attempt 
> to have more usable objects to deal with. 

> Issue #2: Once you have this object full of your data, 
> what stops you from passing this fully populated bean to 
> the back end vice having to create essentially a duplicate 
> object? What would be the difference between the objects 
> other than they belong to their own 'mvc' space. 

> Any insight would be greatly appreciated. These issues are 
> understood somewhat in theory, but I am lacking concrete
> reasoning. 

> Thanks, 
> David

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