I am using Websphere Application Server 4.0

Let met try the flush.. hopefully it will work..


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cedric Dumoulin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 1:17 AM
> Subject:      Re: Bug in Struts Template
>   Hi,
>   It is a bug from your web container, not from Templates lib.
>   Which web Container do you use ?
>   You can bypass this problem by adding flush="true" in all your <get>
> tags
> (i.e. : <template:get ... flush="true" />)
>     Cedric
> Minh Tran wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > can someone please let me know if there is a known bug with the struts
> > template libs.. on how it produces html code...  notice in the html
> output
> > below has the <html> structure defined in the template at the end with
> all
> > of the dynamic data printed ahead of it...  there is definitely
> something
> > wrong.. the data should be within the template structure defined..
> >
> > I know this has to be a known bug.. since it's too big of a bug to not
> be
> > known...
> >
> > also.. could you please let me know how to fix it..
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Minh
> >
> > <font size='5'><a name="top">Topics</a></font><p>
> >   <table width='145'>
> >     <tr><td><a href='introduction.jsp'>
> >         Introduction </a></td></tr>
> >
> >     <tr><td><a href='using.jsp'>
> >         Using Templates </a></td></tr>
> >
> >     <tr><td><a href='optional.jsp'>
> >         Optional Content </a></td></tr>
> >     <tr><td><a href='more.jsp'>
> >         ... and more ...</a></td></tr>
> >   </table></p>
> >
> > <table>
> >    <tr>
> >       <td><img src='graphics/java.gif'/></td>
> >       <td><img src='graphics/templates.gif'/></td>
> >    </tr>
> > </table><hr>
> > <p class="Paragraph"><i>This example application is based on <a
> >
> href="http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-09-2000/jw-0915-jspweb_p.html";
> >U
> > sing JSP templates to encapsulate Webpage layout and encourage modular
> > design</a> by David Geary. Follow that link for the full article, which
> also
> > covers using role-based and nested templates. The template classes
> described
> > in the Java World article were the basis for those included with Struts
> > 1.0.</i></p>
> > <h3 class="ChapTitle">Introduction</h3>
> > <p class="Paragraph">Window toolkits typically provide a layout
> mechanism
> > that positions widgets in a container; for example, AWT and Swing have
> > layout managers, whereas VisualWorks Smalltalk has wrappers.</p>
> > <p class="Paragraph">Because layout undergoes many changes over the
> course
> > of development, it's important to encapsulate that functionality so
> layout
> > can be modified with minimal impact to the rest of the application. In
> fact,
> > layout managers are an example of one of the tenets of object-oriented
> > design: encapsulate the concept that varies, which is also a fundamental
> > theme for many design patterns.</p>
> > <p class="Paragraph">JSP does not provide direct support for
> encapsulating
> > layout, so web pages with identical formats usually replicate layout
> code;
> > for example, <b>A Web Page Layout</b> shows a web page containing
> sections
> > for a header, footer, sidebar, and main content.</p>
> > <p class="Paragraph">The layout of the page shown in <b>A Web Page
> > Layout</b> is implemented with HTML table tags, as listed in Including
> > Content.</p>
> > <p><img src="graphics/templates-1.gif"></p>
> > <h4 class="CodeCaption">Including Content</h4>
> > <p class="Example-Code">
> > &lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;title>Templates&lt;/title>&lt;/head><br>
> > &lt;body background='graphics/blueAndWhiteBackground.gif'></p>
> > <p class="Example-Code">
> > &lt;table width='610'><br>
> > &lt;tr valign='top'>&lt;td>&lt;jsp:include
> page='sidebar.jsp'/>&lt;/td><br>
> > &lt;td>&lt;table><br>
> > &lt;tr>&lt;td>&lt;jsp:include page='header.html'/>&lt;/td>&lt;/tr><br>
> > &lt;tr>&lt;td>&lt;jsp:include page='chapter.jsp'/>&lt;/td>&lt;/tr><br>
> > &lt;tr>&lt;td>&lt;jsp:include page='footer.jsp'/>&lt;/td>&lt;/tr><br>
> > &lt;/table><br>
> > &lt;/td><br>
> > &lt;/tr>&nbsp;<br>
> > &lt;/table><br>
> > &lt;/body>&lt;/html></p>
> > <p class="Paragraph">In Including Content, content is included with
> > &lt;jsp:include> which allows content to vary without modifying HTML;
> > however, because the layout is hardcoded, layout changes require
> > modifications to the page. If a website has many pages with identical
> > formats, even simple layout changes require modifications to all of the
> > pages.</p>
> > <h4 class="ChapTitle">Using A Template</h4>
> > <br>
> > <p class="Example-Code">
> > &lt;%@ taglib URI='/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld' prefix='template'
> %></p>
> > <p class="Example-Code">
> > &lt;template:insert template='/chapterTemplate.jsp'><br>
> >    &lt;template:put name='title' content='Templates' direct='true'/><br>
> >    &lt;template:put name='header' content='/header.html'/><br>
> >    &lt;template:put name='sidebar' content='/sidebar.jsp'/><br>
> >    &lt;template:put name='content' content='/introduction.html'/><br>
> >    &lt;template:put name='footer' content='/footer.html'/><br>
> > &lt;/template:insert></p>
> >
> > <p class="Paragraph">To minimize the impact of layout changes, a
> mechanism
> > is needed for dynamically including layout in addition to content. That
> way,
> > both layout and content can be changed without modifying files that use
> > them. For large websites that have many pages with identical formats,
> such a
> > mechanism is valuable because it localizes changes to layout. That
> mechanism
> > is JSP templates.</p>
> > <hr><p align="right"><a href='#top'><font size="1">TOP</font></a></p>
> >
> > <html>
> > <head>
> > <title>Templates</title>
> > <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/templates.css"
> >       charset="ISO-8859-1" type="text/css">
> > </head>
> > <body background='graphics/blueAndWhiteBackground.gif'>
> >
> > <table>
> >    <tr valign='top'>
> >       <td></td>
> >       <td><table>
> >             <tr><td></td></tr>
> >             <tr><td></td></tr>
> >             <tr><td></td></tr>
> >           </table>
> >       </td>
> >    </tr>
> > </table>
> > </body>
> > </html>

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